Dermal fillers, and in particular lip fillers are not just for influencers anymore. Women and men (yes, men also) of all generations come to Bloom Health and Wellness Studio for their lip augmentation. From combating thinning lips due to age, to getting the perfect pout our clients have always dreamed of, there are a wide range of reasons to choose a lip filler treatment.

If it is your first time you might be curious about the lip filler procedure and the lip filler swelling stages. After your quick 20-minute lip filler procedure, there will be some swelling at the injection site. This is a totally normal part of the healing process and should start to go down in the first few days after your lip filler treatment.

Stages of swelling typically follow a general pattern. Let us walk you through the different lip filler swelling stages, the timeline you can expect during your healing process and ways you can lessen inflammation in your lips.

What Are the Lip Filler Swelling Stages?

Swelling is quite normal after lip filler injections, and while it differs from person to person, it typically follows a predictable timeline. 

However, please note that these swelling stages are when lip injections are done using a needle technique.  At Bloom, we use both needle and cannula techniques. Using a cannula can reduce swelling, bruising and post injection discomfort.  During your consultation, we will discuss both methods and choose the technique that is best suited for your desired result. 

  • Immediate Post-Injection Stage (0-24 hours)

Right after the lip filler treatment, your lips may exhibit immediate signs of swelling, appearing plump and potentially displaying redness, bruising or uneven swelling. This initial swelling is largely attributed to the body’s natural response to the injection.

This can cause a noticeable increase in volume, and it is not uncommon for individuals to feel a bit surprised or concerned about the immediate swelling after getting lip filler injections if it is your first time. You may experience tenderness or soreness around the injected areas, and the lips might feel firm or slightly lumpy due to the presence of the filler material.

  • Day 1-3

The swelling typically reaches its peak within the first 24 hours and then begins to gradually recede over the next few days. During this time, you may observe asymmetry in swelling between the upper and lower lips or one side of the lip swelling more than the other. This discrepancy is normal and usually resolves as the swelling diminishes. Bruising may become more apparent during this period, but it is expected to start fading.

You are getting closer and closer at this stage to your perfect pout!

  • Day 4-7

As the days progress, the swelling continues to go down, and your lips start to assume a shape that is closer to the final result. Any initial asymmetry in swelling should resolve further during this period. Bruising becomes less pronounced and begins to fade away. The firmness in your lips may still be perceptible, but they should feel softer compared to the immediate post-injection stage.

  • Day 7-14

By the end of the second week, most of the swelling should have subsided, and your lips will appear more natural. Any remaining lumps or irregularities caused by the filler should smooth out as the filler settles into place. Bruising should be almost entirely resolved by this point. Your lips may still feel slightly firm to the touch, but they are expected to feel more natural and pliable.

  • Weeks 2-4

During this period, your lips should be approaching their final shape and size. Any residual swelling or minor irregularities should continue to improve. The texture of the lips may still be slightly firmer than usual, but this sensation should gradually decrease as the filler fully integrates with the surrounding tissues. Adhering to post-treatment care instructions is crucial during this phase.

  • Weeks 4 and Beyond

By this point, the majority of swelling should have resolved, and your lips should have settled into their final, desired appearance. If there are any lingering concerns about the shape or feel of your lips, it is important to follow up with your medical provider for further evaluation. Keep in mind that individual experiences may vary, and some people might experience minor swelling or sensitivity for a longer or shorter durations. Continuous communication with your provider ensures that any post-treatment concerns are appropriately addressed.

How To Reduce Lip Filler Swelling

Reducing lip filler swelling can help speed up the healing process and improve comfort. There are certain strategies to help minimize swelling after getting lip fillers.

  • Check Your Blood Pressure

Check your blood pressure before your procedure, since elevated blood pressure may lead to lip filler bruising. If your blood pressure is abnormally high or low, let your practitioner know. You may have to postpone your treatment to a later date.

  • Apply Cold Compresses

Using a cold compress or ice pack wrapped in a thin cloth can help reduce swelling and alleviate discomfort. Apply the cold compress gently to the lips for about 10-15 minutes at a time, several times a day, especially during the first 24-48 hours after the procedure.

  • Elevate Your Head

Keeping your head elevated above heart level, especially while sleeping, can help reduce swelling. Prop up your head with extra pillows to promote drainage of excess fluids from the face and lips.

  • Avoid Heat and Sun Exposure

Heat can exacerbate swelling, so it’s essential to avoid hot baths, saunas, and exposure to direct sunlight or heat sources like hair dryers. Opt for cool environments and avoid activities that may induce sweating.

  • Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water can help flush out toxins and reduce swelling. Aim to stay well-hydrated before and after the procedure to support your body’s natural healing processes.

  • Avoid Strenuous Exercise

Refrain from engaging in vigorous physical activities or exercises that may increase blood flow to the lips, as this can exacerbate swelling. Opt for light activities and gentle movements during the initial recovery period.

  • Avoid Certain Foods and Beverages

Some foods and beverages can promote inflammation and swelling. Limit your intake of salty foods, alcohol, and spicy foods, as they can contribute to fluid retention and aggravate swelling.

  • Follow Post-Treatment Instructions

Your medical provider will provide specific post-treatment instructions tailored to your needs. Follow these instructions carefully, including any recommended medications or topical treatments to aid in healing and reduce swelling.

  • Use Arnica Gel or Supplements

Arnica, a natural herb known for its anti-inflammatory properties, can help reduce swelling and bruising. You can apply Arnica gel topically to the lips or take Arnica supplements as directed by your medical provider.

  • Massage Gently

Once you’ve been given the green light, a gentle massage of the lips can help distribute the filler evenly and alleviate any residual swelling or lumpiness. Use clean hands and gentle pressure while massaging the lips.

  • Patience and Time

Be patient and allow your body to heal naturally, avoiding the temptation to over-manipulate the lips or seek additional treatments too soon.

It’s important to note that if you experience excessive or prolonged swelling, severe pain, or other concerning symptoms, contact your medical provider immediately for further evaluation and guidance.

Does Walking Reduce Lip Filler Swelling?

While there is no direct evidence to suggest that walking specifically reduces lip filler swelling, moderate physical activity can potentially help with overall circulation and may contribute to a more efficient recovery process. When you engage in activities like walking, it can improve blood flow, which might aid in reducing swelling and promoting healing.

How Long Does Lip Filler Last?

The duration of lip fillers varies depending on several factors, including the type of filler used, individual metabolism, lifestyle factors, and the amount injected. Generally, hyaluronic acid-based fillers, which are the most common type used for lip augmentation, can last anywhere from 6 months to 1 year on average. However, some people may experience results lasting up to 18 months before the filler gradually breaks down and is absorbed by the body. Each person’s body responds differently to filler injections, so the duration of results can vary from one individual to another.

The skill and technique of the injector also play a significant role in the longevity and appearance of lip fillers. Experienced injectors like those at Bloom Health and Wellness Studio can achieve more natural-looking and longer-lasting results by precisely placing the filler and avoiding overcorrection.

If you’re interested in getting lip fillers or any other dermal filler procedures or if you want to make a follow-up lip filler appointment, contact Bloom Health and Wellness Studio and book an appointment. Our qualified medical professionals are friendly and work with great care and discretion to help you discover your youthful self with lip filler treatments.

Jennifer Sinclair




Lip Filler Swelling Stages

lip filler before and after

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